OPTICIANS Tel: 01900 606111

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Tel: 01900 606111
Most children have excellent sight and do not need to wear glasses, but if there are any problems, the earlier they are picked up the more easily they can be treated.
Some children may have eye screening at school at around age 4 – 5, however if you have any concerns about your child's eyes, or if there is a history of glasses at a young age, a squint or a lazy eye in the family, you can take your child for a sight test with the optician.
Most children can easily manage an eye test from age 3 onwards and can even come along before this age if you have concerns. The tests we use for children are different to the tests an adult would have, so they don't need to know letters or be able to read – they don't even need to talk.
A lot of the tests are like games, and most children find an eye test an exciting, interesting experience.
Eye examinations for children under 16 are paid for by the NHS so there is no charge to the patient. If your child needs glasses they will be eligible for help towards the cost of glasses with an NHS voucher. Older teenagers are entitled to an NHS eye examination up to the age of 19 if they are in full time education.
Signs to look out for:
1. One eye turning in or out – this may be more noticeable if your child is tired or poorly.
2. Rubbing their eyes a lot
3. Clumsiness or poor hand to eye coordination
4. Screw up their eyes when concentrating
5. Avoiding reading
6. Sitting close to the TV
7. Having concentration problems
at school
8. They may complain about blurred vision or headaches.
Please call for advice if you have any concerns about your child's eyes or vision on: 01900 606111
We have a large range of children's frames and many of our children's frames are free with the NHS voucher scheme. We also stock children's designer frames including RayBan and Ted Baker. We are also suppliers of Tomato Glasses which are a range of comfortable, colourful, practical frames which are specially designed for babies and children.

Tomato Glasses – a range of comfortable, colourful, practical frames which have been expertly designed with babies and children in mind.

Opening hours: Monday – Friday: 9.00am to 5.30pm
Saturday: 9.00am to 4.00pm
1 – 3 New Oxford Street, Workington,Cumbria CA14 2NA